Adaptive Floorball

Sundays – 12:30pm
As the father of a special needs child, I am always looking for ways to get my son involved in mainstream activities. It’s tough to watch other kids wear their uniforms with pride and have fun knowing that your special child cannot participate. We just want them to get some exercise and have some fun like everyone else. We also want to cheer on our kids just like other parents. In the past we participated in an adaptive softball league and created an adaptive soccer league through the YMCA. Both activities were successful and we learned a lot from them. A couple of years ago I was playing dek hockey one day and my son expressed some interest in participating. Unfortunately competing with other kids proved difficult and he lost interest.
With considerations in equipment required, environment, and physical limitations, I created a program designed for pure fun and exercise for those with spectrum disorders. For the last several seasons, the adaptive league has played with success. With anything new we continue to tweak and adjust whenever necessary. We encourage parent participation and feedback but always remember...this program is for the kids to have fun and learn to interact with each other.
Who is this for?
Most kids with autism or other spectrum disorders ages 5-12. This activity does require basic physical activity like running and use of limbs...this does not mean the participants have to be top athletes. Most kids do have issues with motor skills and cognitive development typically associated with spectrum disorders. If you are unsure if this program is suitable for your child, the only way to know is bring them and let them try. The program is free!
What do the kids wear or need to bring?
Kids will need to wear basic athletic wear like tennis shoes, shorts, and a t-shirt. In addition, we strongly recommend basic soccer shin pads to protect their shins. The inserts are just fine, They will sweat! Please provide them with water or a sports drink to stay hydrated.
Register Online
If you would like to be a referee or join our event staff for this or any other Red River Hockey Club sport, please contact Tommy Scott.